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How To Build Self Confidence With The Dynamic Nature of Motivations

Posted by howtobuildselfconfidence on March 21, 2009

Motivations are what keep us going when things are the most difficult.  They are the guiding lights that direct us along a path to personal fulfillment.  They are at the very core of who we are, and once we understand our motivations we are well-positioned to reach even the loftiest goals.

Those who are seeking a way to live the most fulfilling possible life often begin their search for answers by taking an inventory of their own motivations.  They understand that by uncovering what persuades them to take action and what truly gets them excited that they can better devise goals and a plan by which to meet those objectives.  Understanding motivations is a centerpiece of successful self-improvement.

Motivations, however, are not static entities.  They don’t remain unchanged.  They vary and adjust with the passage of time and those changes can have tremendous importance to us as we strive to live the best lives we possibly can.

Many people do assess their motivations when they embark on a self-improvement journey.  They use the information they glean to establish a framework in which to act, to establish goals, and to direct their thinking.  Pleased to have created a vision based on what really matters the most to them, they begin their journey without a thought of looking back again.

However, as they continue to progress and to live, they constantly expose themselves to new experiences.  They gain new information.  They develop new insights.  Forces beyond their control may influence the world around them or illuminate ideas and circumstances about which they had never really thought a great deal.  A personal experience may provide new information about what really matters the most to them.

All of those events can impact their motivations.  Committed to their plan, however, they advance without revisiting their motivations.  That undermines the power and the meaning of their quest.  It leaves them working from a plan to which they no longer have a real relationship.

Motivations are not handed to us at birth in a neat little package.  They develop over time and are based upon our backgrounds, educations, and personal experiences.  They grow and change.  We need to grow and change with them.

What if you had decided to develop a “life plan” at the age of twelve?  What would you have listed as the most important motivators in your life at that time?  Are you willing to concede that at least a few of those principles that seemed so important during adolescence have waned in significance with the passage of time?

As adults, our perspectives may not change as rapidly on some matters of core importance.  However, the accumulation of experience can radically alter a previously-held belief and that can shift our motivations considerably.

When our motivations change, our goals need to change with them.  Our plans need to adjust in order to accommodate our newfound vision and wisdom.  Continuing with the status quo plan in the face of new knowledge is anything but a means to self-improvement.  Instead, it would represent a denial of self.

As you make your plans for personal growth and self-improvement, you will undoubtedly put your personal motivations in the spotlight, and justifiably so.  As time passes, make sure you feature them in your thoughts again.  Regularly.  As you grow and learn, they will change.  You need to make sure you alter your objectives and plans to adjust for any shifts in your motivations.

The same reason motivations matters when one begins looking for fulfillment is the same reason they must be considered again and again throughout one’s life.  Motivations are what propel one toward their maximum potential and any strategy that doesn’t have one’s motivations at the forefront is destined to fail.  Plugging along with “outdated” motivations is as useless and unworkable as ignoring what matters the most to one from the very beginning.

Motivations are like people.  They change.  That change should be noted, accepted, embraced and made a part of one’s overall plan for living.

Stop self-doubt controlling your life.I’ve been through it and came out stronger with more self-confidence and higher self-esteem.Let me show you how to build self confidence.

how to build self confidence: how to build self confidence

improving self-confidence: improving self-confidence

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